Sunday, August 30, 2009

Review : Nothing Sunny About PC Blu-ray Drive Adoption

Blu-ray and selling prices are falling, but PC manufacturers are still slow to incorporate the storage Blu-ray drives rich with their products, reports iSuppli, in part because of the costs.

Sales to consumers on Blu-ray is growing rapidly, is the player prices fell sharply, and several movies, is now available in high definition is for a reason. And yet, the number of Blu-ray drives for PCs only progressing slowly until a new report from iSuppli.

BDS will be available in 3.6 percent of the computer, the number will increase to 16.3 percent in 2013.

"BDS will not replace DVD as the primary optical drive in the computer system, at least 2013, said Michael Yang, senior analyst at iSuppli storage and mobile storage declaration.
They finally find success, but over the next five years, that success will be limited in the computer science sector. "

Yang attributed the slow increase of three factors. The first is the cost of PC buyers willing to pay a higher price for high-definition disc. Linked to this is the second reason is still a limited number of movies in HD.

"The question of costs reinforces the fact that the contents of a library is so small that there really is a reason to switch to it instantly," said Yang. He adds that even if the studio is to create more Blu-ray content in a week, is still waiting to make a very large number of them have won.

Blu-ray looks like a DVD or CD, and is intended to replace the DVD addition to maintaining high-definition video, can store more data than a DVD to some reports, about six times more storage space.

The third factor, the Yang, which is difficult to gain popular computers of today, RV DVD drive. iSuppli noted that historically the location of each new media success has everything to gain popularity, whose contents became widely available, and consumers are aware that this is good, easy to use and worth the price.

"There is no doubt that Blu-ray produces images with higher resolution, better sound quality and greater storage space for home entertainment," Yang said in a statement.

"But these benefits have little or no value in looking at the contents of a PC or laptop screen and use small speakers low.

The firm forecasts that the CD / DVD will be 94.10 percent penetration rate of PCs sold worldwide in 2010, before jumping to 89 percent in 2011 to 84.8 percent in 2012 and 83.7 percent 2013th This coincides with the spread of BD increases to 5.9 percent in 2010, 11 percent in 2011 and 15.2 percent in 2012 before reaching 16.3 percent 2013th

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